Friday, October 30, 2009

Toiletpaper For Homemakers On A Budget

Okay, I bought some TP that was supposed to save me some money.
This is what irritated me: this roll was gone in two hours. Now I know we have six people who use the main bath, but two hours is ridiculous.
Here's my answer, it's Safeway's 1-Ply brand. Those of you who are softies and need cushy plush stuff may want to by-pass this post. Those of you who don't care and can handle Safeway's Sandpaper listen up.
This package lasted almost one month! Here I am caught by Candid Camera walking out of Safeway. Hey, it works for me.

"She sees that her trading is profitable..." Proverbs 31:18

Happy shopping! ~Kathi Note ~ I have a very busy day today so I'm repeating this post as many of you did not know me back in February and may have not seen it.