Thursday, November 5, 2009

Old Time Tractor Parade

One Saturday in September a few of us neighbors got together and said, "Let's all drive our old tractors to the cafe in a parade. So, we gathered at neighbors Gary and Trudy's home to warm up our old tractors and eat doughnuts. Trudy and her daughter Toby are not delighted at the rain, but not gonna let it stop 'em either Gary lives here and took most of these photos. He also arranged our little parade. This is the 2nd or third one we have done. He has also arranged parades at the Mennonite Home for the elderly folks who used to drive or own these types of tractors. My friend Debbie is standing next to Gary.Lisa's mother, although in her late 60's is raring to go. I'm standing here instructing my son Garrett not to stand while the trailor moves. My son is Garrett in the center. My friend Lisa's children are on either side of him. I thought it was cute that Lisa's husband Dave belted these small tractors to the trailor for the children. Mason and his aunt are ready to go. The parade is on the move down the half mile gravel drive-way.
Morgan sporting his restored tractor. Down the road they go... My son Harrison drives one of Dad's restored John Deer's. Our family friend Logan drives another soon to be restored John Deere 'B's My husband Stacey, driving his restored John Deere 'H'
The children and us ladies in the rear lead the pack.
Lisa, Toby, Trudy, Teresa, me, Kathi, and my friend Debbie don't let the rain stop us.
Notice the flip flops. It was actually warm, about 65 degrees, and just a sprinkle of rain.

My husband Stacey, again.
My son Harrison Driving down the road on a quiet Saturday morning, in our little parade toward the little town cafe. Here we come...
Ahh, we have arrived for breakfast and hot chocolate.
Lisa and Dave enjoying their breakfast.Neighbor Micah thinking about going in for some grub.
Thanks for coming along with us on our fun Saturday tractor parade. "Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31